Recently, Spitball Press was featured on Creepy Kofy Movie Time, in an interview with Balrok and No Name!
We knew we needed to do something special with it, so we worked up a comic in which our hero, Earl, is forced to... well, take a look:
Thanks to our hosts on the show! It was a great scene, with old-time hospitality like you wouldn't believe: kegs to the side, a 200-pound pit bull, goth strippers everywhere and of course, the gentlemen in charge, who made us feel really welcome.
We'd never done anything on camera like that before, and I have to admit I was increidbly nervous. But Balrok sat down, in his amazing blue demonness, and... well, he talks like a regular Joe. It's really funny. And he just calmed us right down. His questions were great and we had a ton of fun!
There's another post on its way soon, too, so check back next week!
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